Mohinder: Man is a narcissistic species by nature. We have colonized the four corners of our tiny planet. But we are not the pinnacle of so - called evolution. That honor belongs to the lowly cockroach. Capable of living for months without food. Remaining alive headless for weeks at a time. Resistant to radiation. If God has indeed created Himself in His own image, then I submit to you that God is a cockroach.
Hiro: My clock. I made it go back one second using only my mind, my thoughts.
Ando: Too bad you're not paid by the hour.
Hiro: I have discovered powers beyond any mere mortal.
Ando: Right. You and Spock.
Hiro: Yes. Like Spock. Exactly.
[Hiro's boss suddenly grabs him by the neck and drags him back to his desk.]
Ando: Use your death grip, Spock! The death grip!
Peter encounters Mohinder, who is driving a cab.]
Mohinder: Some individuals, it is true, are more special. This is natural selection. It begins as a single individual born or hatched like every other member of their species. Anonymous. Seemingly ordinary. Except they're not. They carry inside them the genetic code that will take their species to the next evolutionary rung. It's destiny.
Ando: Fine. I'll humor you. Let's say you really do have this power. What do you do with it? Join the circus? No one ever got laid by stopping the second hand of a clock.
Hiro: As I develop my powers, I'll learn to bend space, too. Then I can teleport myself anywhere on the planet.
Ando: Like Star Trek.
Hiro: Every hero must learn his purpose. Then he'll be tested and called to greatness.
Ando: I think I need a stiff drink! "Beam us up, Scotty".
Ando: Tell me one useful thing you could do with this power. Can you make money?
Hiro: A super hero doesn't use his power for personal gain.
Ando: Then what good is it? Can you teleport yourself into the women's bathroom? Now, there's something useful. You won't learn your "purpose" in there, but you might learn something about life.
Hiro: (cheerfully) I did it! I teleported in to the women's bathroom!
Ando: Then you're a pervert!